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Apply the Platinum Rule in Selling to Win More Customers

In business, there are two Golden Rules you must abide by to be successful.  The first is the Biblical Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  The second is the business Golden Rule: “He who has the gold makes the rules.” These rules clearly emphasize that successful companies understand …


Excellence vs. Perfectionism

Excellence vs. Perfectionism Quick question. Do you exhibit 3 or more of these traits? Critical of others or of yourself Struggle to see the big picture and get lost in the details Always stressed especially when others expect something of you Lack self-confidence Rarely, if ever allow yourself a sense of true accomplishment and personal …


Are You Making Courageous Decisions?

Are You Making Courageous Decisions? Are we a society of courage? Do we make courageous decisions? I would say “No”. From my experience as a sales trainer, I have had to shift my teaching of how to understand the customer’s buying motive. Customers used to buy to receive the maximum gain but in 2021, customer’s …


Want to have a good day? Concentrate on the positives in your life

Concentrating on the positives in your life will give you the attitude to have a good day, a good week, a good year, and great relationships. Focusing on the positives of others will do the same. If you turn on the TV or listen to news on the radio, you must assume that nothing ever …


Setting Priorities Improves Attitude

Your priorities can determine your attitude and lack of priorities too. Have you ever heard someone say, “I just have too much to do; I am overwhelmed.”? They complain about how hard life is or have a negative attitude. One of the reasons people get overwhelmed, which can lead to a negative or downtrodden attitude, …


3 Steps to Change Behavior

Changing Behavior – 3 Steps We all have wanted to add a new habit, break an old habit, get into shape, learn a new language, get organized, etc. The list could go on forever of the things we would like to learn or do that would benefit our lives. The real problem is “How do …


Developing and Keeping a Positive Attitude in Hard Times

Developing or Adjusting Your Attitude in Hard Times I have heard many people say “Attitude is everything.” Attitude does determine how one approaches any situation. Attitude is made up of your past experiences and the predominant thoughts in your mind. If our past experiences were negative or always risk averse, our predominant thoughts will have …


Building Relationship with Trust

Building Relationships with Trust Have you ever wanted to help someone who is in a predicament, but whatever you tried did not work? Did they even get mad at you? Have you had a prospect who has a serious problem not want to talk with you? Have you ever seen a person or organization try …


Attitude and Priorities – Enjoy Life More

Attitude and Priorities Have you ever heard someone say “I just have too much to do; I am overwhelmed.”? They complain about how hard life is or have a negative attitude. One of the reasons people get overwhelmed which can lead to a negative or downtrodden attitude is that they have not established any clear …


How to Ask For Referrals and Get Them

Every sales manager would love to have a Joe Girard on his/her sales team. Girard is the greatest salesperson ever to have walked a car dealership’s lot.  During his illustrious 15-year career, he sold more than 13,000 automobiles.  His records include selling 18 in one day, 174 in one month, and a whopping 1,425 in …

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